UK 2 core power cord with 3 pin plug - Ningbo baile electrical appliance co.,ltd,named as the advancer of the power cords usage.


UK 2 core power cord with 3 pin plug

UK 2 core power cord with 3 pin plug

Product name:UK 2 core power cord with 3 pin plug



UK 2 core power cord with 3 pin plug Rating 3/5/10/13A , 250V Certificates BS Contruction BS 1363 Part 1:1995 Applicable cords a) H03VV-F 0.5-0.75mm2 *2c b) H03VVH2-F 0.5-0.75mm2 *2c c) H05VVH2-F 0.75-1.0mm2 *2c d) H05VV-F 0.75-1.5mm2*2c e) H05V2V2-F 0.75-1.5mm2 *2c f) H03RT-F 0.75-1.0mm2 *2c


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